Created the process flow on training journey:
Created a process flow on the entire training journey based on the multiple stages involved from beginning to end.
Identified the key workstreams involved in different stages which impact the duration.
Identified data sources and flagged key data fields:
Had multiple discussions with stakeholders from multiple teams and identified key data sources required for the analysis
Flagged all key data fields providing information to calculate ETA for request approval, commitment, training, reporting and payment.
Chose the apt visual to represent the training journey:
Conducted multiple brainstorming sessions and decided to represent the training journey through a funnel view representation considering the below reasons:
The client should get a holistic view of the entire training journey with ETAs.
It should include every stage of the process with key actionable insights to improve the process.
Provided an accurate representation of the actual timeline of the entire training process.
Funnel view representation with geo level insights provided a clear picture on the bottlenecks and areas require tightening.
Client put new rules and guidelines on ETA based on the analysis; reduced the training journey duration by 40%